Entry 1 - First Room


  • one page design review [15 min]
  • development [3h]
  • Journal entry [15 min]

Today I have implemented first room of assigned one-page design, compleate with all required game machanics except gems (score countiong)

Encountered problems:

  • The ground needs to be displayed before asic - The objects needs to be asigned with correct sorting leyers and sorting number in the leyer.  Because order number  are not comparable beatween sorting leyers. And the layers have exact order in which are overlayed over each other.
  • The teleportation in one scene uses only two instances of TransitionStart prefab as start and end. - it does not use TransitionDestination prefab.

Expected problems:

  • Score counting - it will need a script with static field.
  • Score displaying - the easiest way is to add textbox to helthUI canvas, and check on every Update call whether the static filed Score has changed.
  • gem collecting - it won't be difficult. it will need boxcollider and OnCollisionEntry it will check if it has collided with player. If it had then destroies itself and score is added.

I think today  i got na idea how to approche this game. and how to contionue. So i expect next room will be a bit easier then the firstone.


Build_0.1.zip 86 MB
Apr 12, 2021

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